HV Floor Under Wire

The HV Floor Under Wire (#821H10C041), a vital auto part in the Electrical/Wiring & Clamp system of Toyota vehicles, plays a central role in transmitting high voltage electricity safely beneath the vehicle's floor. As a conduit, it channels the power required to operate various vehicle functions. Genuine Toyota parts like this are designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this wire may degrade due to wear and tear, potentially leading to inefficient power transmission, or worse, electrical hazards. Therefore, periodic replacement of the HV Floor Under Wire (#821H10C041) is crucial to maintain optimal electrical functioning and safety. By doing so, this auto part significantly contributes to the overall efficiency of the vehicle's electrical system and, by extension, to the safety and performance of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 821H1-0C041

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