HV Floor Under Wire

About this product

The HV Floor Under Wire (#821H1-47041), a vital component in the Wiring & Clamp system of Toyota vehicles, plays a crucial role in executing efficient electrical transmission. This wire is responsible for routing the high voltage current safely under the vehicle's floor, away from passenger spaces. It primarily works in conjunction with other electrical wiring components to facilitate seamless power transfer. Periodic replacement of this part is critical, as prolonged usage can lead to wear and tear, leading to potential electrical failure or safety hazards. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for their compatibility with your vehicle, and they come supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Non-functional or damaged HV Floor Under Wire (#821H1-47041) could risk electrical malfunction, or even a short circuit, compromising both efficiency and safety. In its peak condition, it promotes system reliability, ensuring your vehicle operates at its utmost capability.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 821H1-47040
Part Number 821H1-47041

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