Illumination Wire

About this product

A key component in your car's Interior Lamp system, the Illumination Wire (#82285-12010), an Electrical part, plays a vital role in ensuring the optimal functioning of your vehicle's lighting. This genuine Toyota Autoparts product is essential for transmitting electrical power to the lamp, facilitating its primary function of lighting up the vehicle's interior. Over time, the illumination wire may wear out, leading to problems such as flickering lights or the lamp failing to turn on. When this occurs, it's crucial to replace this part with a genuine Toyota part, which helps maintain vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Notably, the proper functioning of the Illumination Wire (#82285-12010) contributes greatly to the safety and efficiency of the system it's installed in, enabling clear visibility within the car and enhancing the overall driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82285-12010

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