Mirror Camera Wire

About this product

The Mirror Camera Wire (#867C1-0E010), an essential electrical component in the Camera & Rear Monitor Display system of Toyota vehicles, plays a critical role in transmitting video signals from the mirror camera to the display monitor. This wire facilitates real-time visualization, aiding in safer driving by improving visibility and awareness. The part's functionality hugely depends on its integrity; ageing, breakage, or non-functional wires can lead to loss of video data, leading to reduced visibility and potential safety hazards. To avoid this, it is advisable to periodically replace this crucial component. Using genuine Toyota Autoparts ensures compatibility with the vehicle and is further backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Additionally, the Mirror Camera Wire (#867C1-0E010) significantly enhances the overall efficiency and safety of the system in which it is installed. A well-functioning wire aids in optimal function of the rear-view system, thus promoting safer driving conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 867C1-0E010

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