Navigation Wire

About this product

The Navigation Wire (#86842-60B00), an essential part in the Camera & Rear Monitor Display system, plays a pivotal role in Toyota vehicles. This Electrical component transmits signals, allowing the navigation system to function correctly and display accurate directional information. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts aids in maintaining optimal compatibility with your vehicle, and the Navigation Wire (#86842-60B00) is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, this Navigation Wire (#86842-60B00) does not have an infinite lifespan. If the part becomes aged, broken, or non-functional, it may impede the delivery of accurate navigation information, leading to potential safety issues. Ultimately, the Navigation Wire (#86842-60B00) is a crucial component that significantly contributes to the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle's navigation system. Regular replacement ensures a well-functioning navigation system and safer travels.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86842-60B00

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