Seat Track Equalizing Wire Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Seat Track Equalizing Wire Sub-Assembly (#72301-04010), a Body part in the Seat & Seat Track system, is pivotal in the smooth operation of seat adjustments. It functions by maintaining balance and equal distribution of force during seat movement. This precision part, like all genuine Toyota Autoparts, ensures vehicle compatibility, and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this wire can wear or break, leading to imbalanced, jerky seat movements or even a stuck seat, causing inconvenience and potentially compromising safety during an emergency. Replacing it periodically is therefore vital. By facilitating smooth, balanced seat adjustments, the Seat Track Equalizing Wire Sub-Assembly (#72301-04010) plays an important role in driver comfort, convenience, and safety, enhancing the overall driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72301-04010

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