Switch Wire

About this product

The Switch Wire (#84523-WAA01), a vital part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a crucial role in controlling the flow of electrical current. It acts as a connector, transmitting signals from the switches to the respective components for appropriate response. Genuine Toyota parts, like this one, are designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle and come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If a Switch Wire (#84523-WAA01) becomes aged, damaged, or non-functional, it may interrupt signal transmission, leading to failure of the component it controls. Hence, periodic replacement is paramount to prevent system malfunction. Ultimately, this seemingly small part is essential not only for the smooth functioning of the system but also for the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle. Regular maintenance of the Switch Wire (#84523-WAA01) ensures that your vehicle reacts accurately to your commands, providing a reliable and safe driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84523-WAA01

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