Telephone Computer Wire

About this product

The Telephone Computer Wire (#86713-0R040) is an essential auto part in the Telephone & Mayday system from Toyota Autoparts, playing a crucial role in interconnecting the communication system. Genuine Toyota Telephone Computer Wire (#86713-0R040)s aid in ensuring seamless compatibility with your vehicle, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This wire is responsible for transmitting data signals between the vehicle's telephone and on-board computer systems. If this wire becomes old, damaged, or non-operational, communication within the system could be compromised, leading to potential safety issues. Periodic replacement is advised to avoid such hazards and maintain optimal functioning of the communication system. Thus, the Telephone Computer Wire (#86713-0R040) is a vital component, contributing to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle's communication system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86713-0R040

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