Telephone Computer Wire

The Telephone Computer Wire (#8671312080), a key part in Toyota's Electrical/Telephone & Mayday systems, has a significant role in maintaining solid communication between the onboard computer and the vehicle's telephone system. This conduit enables the seamless transference of data and voice signals, ensuring appropriate interactions with the car's infotainment and safety systems. When this wire becomes aged or damaged, it can lead to miscommunication or a total communication breakdown between the systems it connects, impacting the vehicle's overall functionality. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended to maintain vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Telephone Computer Wire (#8671312080) is crucial to the operational efficiency and safety of Toyota's Electrical/Telephone & Mayday systems, contributing significantly to the overall driving comfort and security of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86713-12080

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