Traction Battery Wire #2

About this product

The Traction Battery Wire #2 (#G96B2-42010), a crucial electrical component residing in the Battery & Battery Cable system, plays a pivotal role in the operation of Toyota vehicles. It serves as the conduit for electrical currents between the traction battery and the electric motor. This genuine Toyota part offers optimal vehicle compatibility, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the wear and tear of continuous use may cause the wire to become old or damaged, hindering its capacity to effectively transmit power. This can lead to reduced efficiency of your vehicle's electrical system, causing battery drain and possibly impacting the vehicle's performance. The Traction Battery Wire #2 (#G96B2-42010) is integral to the overall efficiency and safety of the electric drive system, ensuring smooth operation and optimal power transmission for your Toyota vehicle. Regular replacement of this part can help maintain the performance and longevity of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G96B2-42010

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