Wireless Door Lock Control Set

About this product

The Wireless Door Lock Control Set (#89704-20190) is a crucial electrical component within Toyota's advanced wireless door lock systems. Its primary role is to receive signals from the key fob or the automatic locking feature, which then directs the locking or unlocking action of the doors. This part contains an electrical circuit board and a receiver, which work together to perform this function seamlessly. However, like most automobile parts, the Wireless Door Lock Control Set (#89704-20190) can wear out over time. If the part becomes old or non-functional, it can lead to issues like unresponsive door locks, compromising both convenience and safety. To prevent such issues, it is crucial to replace this part periodically with genuine Toyota autobody parts. These original parts are not only compatible with your vehicle but are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the functionality of your Wireless Door Lock Control Set (#89704-20190), you contribute to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89704-20190

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