Washer Wiring

About this product

The Washer Wiring (#85375-0D260), a paramount part of Toyota's Electrical Rear Washer and Windshield Washer systems, is responsible for transmitting electrical signals to control the operation of the washers. These precise signals are crucial for accurately directing washer fluid onto your rear window or windshield. By using genuine parts, the compatibility with your vehicle is maintained, and Toyota's genuine parts warranty supports this essential component. However, as the Washer Wiring (#85375-0D260) ages, it could become clogged or broken, causing a failure in the transmission of these signals. The result may be an inefficient washer system, impairing a driver's visibility and hence compromising safety. Hence, periodic replacement is crucial. This Toyota part ensures the effectiveness of your washer systems, thus promoting safer driving conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85375-0D260

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