Weatherstrip Trunk

About this product

The Weatherstrip Trunk (#SU003-09191), a crucial body part within the Luggage Compartment Door & Lock system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of your vehicle's trunk area. It accomplishes this by creating a seal against water, dust, and air, protecting your trunk’s contents and preventing unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicle. Over time, this part can age or break down, leading to leaks or drafts that may damage your trunk and its contents. Thus, periodic replacement of the Weatherstrip Trunk (#SU003-09191) is crucial. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacements, which are compatible with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is recommended. The Weatherstrip Trunk (#SU003-09191) significantly enhances the safety and efficiency of your vehicle, safeguarding your luggage compartment from external elements, and sustaining the overall condition of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09191

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